Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2017, 5(1), 1-12
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2017-00001
Numeric complexes of material culture and the poetics of the peoples of the Urals, of the Kama Region and Western Siberia
Garegin S. Vrtanesjan1
1Centre for the study of religions, Russian state university for the humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation; E-mail
This article reviewed and analyzed the complexes for numerical artifacts from archaeological cultures the first Millennium of our era from the Northern Kama region, the Urals and Western Siberia. Identified system for accurate counting and accounting for calendar time, based on the numbers six and seven are reflected on the decoration of these products. For comparison, was analysied of Ob-Ugric, Altai Turks, Kets and Nenets folklore texts, for identify a numeric complexes in them. It turned out that the most common case is a numeric complex "seven - six". This complex in epics of the Altai Turks ("Maaday Kara" for example) dominates its frequency. The context in which it used, most often associated with the sky and annual way of the Sun. As the prayer of Torum, the count is seven-month cycle started with the birth of the "new sun" at the time of the winter solstice, compared with the birth of the "calf of the elk-sun" (by Patkanov), which ended in Elijah's day (beginning of August), a fracture of the weather on "winter" and a sharp reduction in the light of the day. The mapping of these features, numerical algorithms on the artifacts (in fact the ring calendars) and in the texts, allows to say that the reference system on the basis of which was constructed a numerical model on the products and the texts were natural realities.
Keywords: counting symbols, number systems, circular "calendars", poetics, the Urals, Western Siberia, winter and summer "road" of the Sun.
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