Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2014, 2(2), 54-58
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2014-00004
New type of Babyno Culture buckles: bone fastener in the form of bead
Leonid S. Ilyukov1
1Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, st. Chekhov 41, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russian Federation; e-mail:
More than dozen bone figured buckles of Babyno type were found in the Priazovye and in territory of Ukraine. Semi-oval bead without hole is located under the belly on short trims. Some researchers consider it as a hook, by which fastened belt. A series of pendants that had an annular frame, which is attached by a thin trims to the bead with transverse hole, refers to this time. Apparently figured buckles, on the one hand, have been genetically linked to the cheek-pieces (system connections with belt ribbon), and on the other - with pendants of Liventsovka type, whose elements are bead fixed to the lath, at the end of which there was a ring of pendants. In Lakedemonovo burial in one of the burials, on the bone of the pelvis, bone bead in the form of a keg was found, which, apparently, is a kind of clasp. These findings relate to the propagation time Babyno sites in Priazovye.
Keywords: Babyno culture, burial, buckle, bead.
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