Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2018, 6(1), 21-29
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2018-00002
The barec of "Piani del Monte Avaro" (Bergamo, Italy)
Anna Gastaldelli1
1The Astronomical Observatory of Brera (external collaborator), National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF), Milano, Italian Republic;
This article outlines some archaeoastronomical results about an Iron Age site gained during the "Practical Archeoastronomy Course" held the 24th and 25th of June 2017 by Prof. Adriano Gaspani. The Iron Age settlement is called "Barec dei Piani del Monte Avaro". On it where found a closed enclosure of stones formed by an elliptical drywall inside which there are some megalithic structures: a monolith on a lithic platform, another monolith on which was placed on purpose a big rock with a perfectly vertical vein of white quartz oriented astronomically in accordance with the megalithic structure. At the top of the barec there is a large erratic monolith that overhangs all the stones of the drywall. The dry stone enclosure was found to be contemporary to monolithic structures. Within the enclosure lie, in the lower area, the remainders of a probable hut bottom. The site was active during the 6th century BC and the people that most likely attended to it was the celtic tribe of the Orobi who belonged, as well as all the tribes spread in the area now known as Lombardy (located between 45 deg and 46 deg North geographical latitude) to the Golasecca Culture. This civilization dates back to the first part of Iron Age and derives from the Canegrate culture of the 13th century BC which in turn is linked to the ancient culture of Halstatt, the oldest Celts lived in Northern Europe. The results of this astronomical survey are the detection of three alignments directed toward important directions, associated with the rising and the setting of the Moon at the southern extreme standstill, that proved this complex to be a Moon Sanctuary.
Keywords: Astronomy, archeoastronomy, Moon, Rigel, barec, Celts, Gaspani.
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