Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2015, 3(2), 23-42
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2015-00002
Marks of heliacal rising of Sirius on the sundial of the Bronze Age
Larisa N. Vodolazhskaya1*, Anatoliy N. Usachuk2, Mikhail Yu. Nevsky3
1Southern Federal University (SFU), str. Zorge, 5, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russian Federation; E-mails:,
2Donetsk Regional Museum, Donetsk, Ukraine; E-Mail:
3Southern Federal University (SFU), str. Zorge, 5, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russian Federation; E-mails:,
The article presents the results of interdisciplinary research made with the help of archaeological, physical and astronomical methods. The aim of the study were analysis and interpretation corolla marks of the vessel of the Late Bronze Age, belonging to Srubna culture and which was found near the Staropetrovsky village in the northeast of the Donetsk region (Central Donbass). Performed calculations and measurements revealed that the marks on the corolla of Staropetrovsky vessel are marking of horizontal sundial with a sloping gnomon. Several marks on the corolla of the vessel have star shape. Astronomical calculations show that their position on the corolla, as on "dial" of watch, indicates the time of qualitative change the visibility of Sirius in the day its heliacal rising and the next few days in the Late Bronze Age at the latitude of detection of Staropetrovsky vessel. Published in the article the results of astronomical calculations allow to state that astronomical year in the Srubna tradition began with a day of heliacal rising of Sirius.
Keywords: vessel, corolla, marks, sundial, gnomon, Srubna culture, heliacal rising, Sirius, archaeoastronomy.
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