Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2022, 10(1), 1-29
Inverted analemmatic sundial of the Bronze Age
Vodolazhskaya, L.N.
Institute of Physics and Technology, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
This article describes the study, using the methods of digital and computational archeology, of a Bronze Age limestone slab with cup marks, discovered during the archaeological excavations of kurgan 1 of the kurgan grave field Prolom II, located in the Belogorsk region in Crimea. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the Belogorsk slab is a sundial of about the XV - XII centuries BC and belongs to the Srubnaya culture. By type of sundial, it is closest to the analemmatic sundial. However, the principle of the hourly markings of the Belogorsk slab is so unique that it is proposed to separate this type of sundial into a new type – inverted analemmatic sundial. This type is characterized by the fact that, unlike typical analemmatic sundials, the gnomon remains motionless throughout the year, and in accordance with the analemma, the "dial" "moves" – an ellipse of hour markers from cup marks, i.e. gnomon and hour markers (cup marks) change places in terms of mobility. The movement of hour markers on the Belogorsk slab is not literal, but is imitated by several rows of cup marks, which are fragments of hour marker ellipses for different months of the year. The idea behind this type of sundial is so revolutionary that we can talk about the discovery of a completely new type of sundial, the analogue of which has not yet been discovered.
Keywords: digital archeology, computational archeology, cup marks, sundial, inverted, analemma, true solar time, mean solar time, hour markers, Srubnaya culture, Bronze Age, kurgan grave field, slab, Scythian Neapolis.
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