Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2016, 4(1), 150-168
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2016-00006
Image of inverted World Tree on the stone slab and vessels of the Bronze Age
Larisa N. Vodolazhskaya1*, Pavel A. Larenok2, Mikhail Yu. Nevsky3
1Southern Federal University (SFU), str. Zorge, 5, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russian Federation; E-mails:,
2NP "Yuzharheologiya", str. M. Gor'kogo, 95A, Rostov-on-Don, 344082, Russian Federation; E-mail:
3Southern Federal University (SFU), str. Zorge, 5, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russian Federation; E-mails:,
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed
The article presents the results of the study of petroglyphs on a unique stone slab discovered near the kurgan 1 of the kurgan field Varvarinsky I (Rostov Oblast, Russia). Analysis of features of the location and style of petroglyph "tree" showed that the branches could determine semi-minor semiaxes m of the "dial" ellipses of analemmatic sundials with semi-major axis M = 24.2 cm for medium and high (northern) latitudes up to the North Pole and "tree" marks the direction to the North. The desire to construct a tool with which it was possible to build a "dial" for analemmatic sundial for different latitude up to the latitude of the North Pole could appear under the influence of the dominant mythological ideas about sacred geography of the surrounding world in which the North is the World Mountain, World Tree or the abode of the gods. In the article the authors conclude that the petroglyph "tree" on Varvarinsky slab marks the direction to the North as a projection of the North Pole of the world on the earth's surface, which simulates the slab. Petroglyph is an image of an inverted World Tree, when viewed from the gnomon / man. The trunk of the Tree corresponds to the astronomical world axis, and its branches symbolize the visible daily path of the Sun and, perhaps, the night paths of stars across the sky at different latitudes. During the research was carried out a comparative analysis of the petroglyph "tree" with images of the inverted tree on the Srubna vessels. According to the analysis it was concluded that a mythical World Tree of Srubna population is likely to be a tree of pine family. Sign of the inverted tree on the Srubna vessels has been interpreted by as a symbol of the direction of the North and / or the north pole of the world; and accompanying signs were interpreted as symbols of circumpolar stars and constellations (asterisms).
Keywords: stone slab with petroglyphs, inverted World Tree, sundial, vessels with signs, Srubna culture, Varuna - Mitra, archaeoastronomy.
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