Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2019, 7(2), 11-17
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2019-00005
Archaeoastronomical analysis of the master plan of Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy (VDNH)
Tynu Yulemaante
Independent researcher, Tallinn, Estonia; E-mail:
The article describes the study of the VDNH complex in Moscow using archaeoastronomy methods. The analysis concerns the orientation of the two main alleys of VDNH and the two most important buildings at the northwestern end of these alleys. Also considered are works of art that are located or were located in these buildings, and sculptures that belong to these buildings.The results of archaeo-astronomical analysis show that the main avenues of VDNKh are oriented close to the direction of sunrise on the winter solstice and perform, to some extent, ritual/ideological functions.
Keywords: archaeoastronomical methods, sunrise, winter solstice, orientation, VDNH, general plan
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