Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2020, 8(2), 55-123
Collection of bone artifacts from Olo Khaz settlement
A.N. Usachuk1; I.I. Bakhshiev2
Museum of Local Lore, Donetsk, Ukraine; E-mail: 1
Institute of Ethnological Studies of R.G. Kuzeev, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia; E-mail: 2
The article focuses on the results of a trace evidence and technical-technological examination of the collection of bone artifacts of the Late Bronze Age Olo Khaz settlement of the Bashkir Trans-Urals. The authors dwell on all categories of bone artifacts found at the settlement; they draw on analogies from the materials of the Late Bronze Age sites in different territories. Probably, in the processing of bones at the Olo Khaz settlement, there is some industrial specialization on the processing of a hollow horn.
Keywords: settlement, the Late Bronze Age, bone artifacts, tools, industrial waste, hollow horn, manufacturing technology, astragalus, ritual objects
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