Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2020, 8(1), 69-100
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2020-00010
Cheek-Pieces of the Stepnoie 1 burial ground: practical and semantic aspects of use
Kupriyanova, E.V.1; Usachuk, A.N.2
Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia; E-mail: dzdan@mail.ru1
Museum of Local Lore, Donetsk, Ukraine; E-mail: doold@mail.ru2
The paper considers the cheek-pieces which were found in the burials of one of the barrows of the Stepnoie-1 burial ground in the South Trans-Urals. Firstly, this is of special interest that a considerable quantity of cheek-pieces (11 specimens) were found in two burials. A trace evidence analysis of the findings was carried out, the particularities of manufacture and use of these cheek-pieces were determined, graphic reconstructions of some of them were made. Based on the obtained technological information in combination with the context of finding the cheek-pieces, the authors come to the conclusion that the Sintashta funeral rite is theatricalized, it has a weak connection with the personality of the buried individuals and it tends to represent a certain collective "message".
Keywords: cheek-pieces, manufacturing technology, use, burial, rite, Sintashta culture, Southern Trans-Urals
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