Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2017, 5(2), 59-70
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2017-00008
Reconstruction of textiles production process on materials of ceramic finds of the Turovsky settlement
Marina M. Savenkova1*, Yuriy A. Chekmenev2
1Voronezh state pedagogical university, Voronezh, Russian Federation; E-mail:
2Voronezh art school, Voronezh, Russian Federation; E-mail:
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed
Researchers note universal distribution in the territory of Eastern Europe during era of the late Roman times of devices for weaving with inclusion in a design of details from clay. Studying of constructive properties and technical characteristics on ceramic finds has crucial importance for reconstruction of process of house textile production during this era. In this work the analysis of a form of archeological ceramic finds of an era of the late Roman time (the Don Right bank) from the point of view of a possibility of their use as components of tools of textile craft is carried out. Considering that identical ways of creation of textile interlacing were, in many cases, are mastered by the people the related bonds which are not connected among themselves, the technology of weaving of the Japanese cords "kumichimo" was taken as an experiment basis on reconstruction of ancient device for weaving. As a result of the made experiment on creation of the machine for weaving of cords it was succeeded to reconstruct successfully technological process, ways and methods of production of textiles. The methods used in the course of reconstruction and the technician correspond to technological capabilities of ancient community both the late Roman time, and the early Iron Age.
Keywords: ancient technologies, reconstruction, weaving loom, archeological finds, ceramic sinkers, late Roman time
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