Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2016, 4(1), 19-80
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2016-00002
Sky on the rocks of Onega Lake according to data of the archaeoastronomy
Tamila M. Potemkina1
1Department of the Bronze Age, Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of Sciences, st. Dm. Ul'yanova 19, Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation; E-mail:
The papers presents a study of symbolic images of disc-, crescent- and half-moon-shaped figures with one-two ray-like lines, directed to one aside. Taking into consideration the specifics of sacred place's location on the Onega Lake and peculiarities of the symbolic figures the researcher first offered the hypothesis assuming that the Sun- and Moon-paths on the lake surface could have serve as exact natural marks of the points of sunrises (sunsets) and moonrises (moonsets) on the horizon for an observer at the lake coast. One or two radial lines, located on the solar and lunar signs, could signify the above mentioned light paths and indirectly Sun and Moon risings and settings azimuths. The result of the research is demonstrates the connection of the examined carvings with the azimuths of the moonrises and moonsets in all the visible phases on the days of equinoxes and solstices which could serve as the evidence of existence of lunar calendar in the Neolithic period. There are the reasons to think that a lunar and a solar signs of a similar type have been the most ancient astrolabes. The majority of them had pointed to the directions to a place of the luminaries rising and setting on the horizon in the astronomically significant days of the year.
Keywords: petroglyphs of Lake Onega, the signs of the moon and the sun, the moon and the sun track, azimuth, equinox, solstice - lunar calendar.
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