Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2014, 2(1), 50-89
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2014-00012
Sanctuary of Eneolithic and Bronze Age in Western Siberia, as a source of astronomical knowledge and cosmological ideas in antiquity
Tamila M. Potemkina1
1Department of the Bronze Age, Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of Sciences, st. Dm. Ul'yanova 19, Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation; E-mail:
In article are considered the revealed astronomical knowledge and cosmological representations of the ancient population of the given territory on the basis of materials of excavation sanctuaries of Eneolit (Savin 1, Slobodchiki 1, Velizhany 2) and of Bronze Age (Suzgun 2, Chudsky Mountain) forest-steppe and South taiga working areas of water areas of the rivers Tobols and Irtysh. The source for their reconstruction are features of the organisation of the sacral space, connected with a landscape tie in, a planishing and architecture of sanctuaries in whole and their separate objects, character of functioning, specificity of cult-ceremonial actions, semantics of separate subjects of ritual appointment, a territorial and cultural accessory of the investigated monuments. Using available archaeological certificates in uniform system of comparison to the data of archaeoastronomy and ethnology, the author of article tries to reveal communication of the set of general signs of cult places established in the course of research with concrete representations of the ancient population about Universe. Under the available data, a basis of astronomical knowledge and connected with them cosmological representations made issued in the end of Neolith - Eneolit three-private Model of the World in its horizontal and vertical projections. The leading forms of departure of cults were the collective sacrifices closely connected with calendar ceremonialism. According to astronomical tie ins, the greatest sacrifices were made in days of an autumn equinox during mass hunting for hoofed animals of animals. Observable communication of the basic ceremonies with sunrise and lunar cycles testifies to existence of solar and lunar cults. The basic schemes and elements of the given model of the Universe and their display in ritually-ceremonial practice have remained at the local native population of considered territory (Mansi, Khanty) to the ethnographic present. This similarity is caused by continuity of cultural traditions, affinity of ethnic structure of the population, specificity of inhabitancy in a wood working area.
Keywords: sanctuary, cult place, sacral space, ritual, outlook, world model, reference point, astronomical knowledge, cosmological representations, archaeoastronomy, archaeological sources, ceramics, sacrifices.
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62. Potemkina, T.M.; Ivanova, S.V. Kurgan e'poxi e'neolita - rannej bronzy u sela Revovo Odesskoj oblasti i ego arxeoastronomicheskaya interpretaciya. [Eneolithic Kurgan - Early Bronze Age have to. Revova Odessa region and its interpretation arheoastronomicheskaya]. Diskurs Civilizacij. Stratum plus No 2 (2003-2004). [Discourse of civilizations. Stratum plus No 2 (2003-2004)]. St. Petersburg - Chisinau - Odessa - Bucharest, 2005, p. 145-162.
63. Potemkina, T.M. Prostranstvennaya i vremennaya organizaciya ritual'nogo kompleksa Teleutskij Vvoz I (arxeoastronomicheskij aspekt). [Spatial and temporal organization of complex ritual Teleut vzvoz 1 (arheoastronomichesky aspect)]. Metodika issledovaniya kul'tovyx kompleksov. [Technique to study the religious complexes]. Barnaul: OOO "Pyat' plyus", 2012, p. 78-84.
64. Potemkina, T.M.; Grushin, S.P. Teleutskij Vvoz I: organizaciya sakral'nogo prostranstva ritual'no-pogrebal'nogo kompleksa rannego bronzovogo veka (metodika i metodologiya issledovaniya). [Teleut vzvoz I: organization of sacred space ritual funerary complex of the Early Bronze Age (technique and methodology)]. Arxeologo-e'tnograficheskie issledovaniya Severnoj Evrazii: ot artefaktov k prochteniyu proshlogo. K 80-letiyu S.V. Studzickoj i M.F. Kosareva. [Archaeological and ethnographic research in North Eurasia from artifacts to the reading of the past. On the 80th anniversary of SV Studzitskaia and MF Kosareva]. Tomsk: Agraf-Press, 2012, p. 85-94.
65. Potemkina, T.M. Poselenie ili kul'tovyj centr (K voprosu o funkciyax poselenij tashkovskoj kul'tury s krugovoj arxitekturoj). [Settlement or cult center (On the functions of settlements tashkovskoy culture with circular architecture)]. Kul'tury stepnoj Evrazii i ix vzaimodejstvie s drevnimi civilizaciyami. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii, posvyashhennoj 110-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya vydayushhegosya rossijskogo arxeologa Mixaila Petrovicha Gryaznova. Kn. 2. [Eurasian steppe culture and their interaction with ancient civilizations. Proceedings of the international scientific conference devoted to the 110th anniversary of the outstanding Russian archaeologist Mikhail Petrovich Hraznova]. St. Petersburg, 2012, p. 188-195.
66. Potemkina, T.M. Megaliticheskie pamyatniki Yuzhnogo Zayral'ya (k voprosu ob osobennostyax funkcionirovaniya). [Megalithic monuments Southern Trans-Urals (to a question about the peculiarities of functioning)]. Astroarxeologiya - estestvenno-nauchnyj instrument poznaniya protonauk i astral'nyx religij zhrechestva drevnix kul'tur Hakassii. [Astroarheologii - natural science instrument of knowledge and protoscience astral religions priests of ancient cultures Khakassia]. Krasnoyarsk: Publisher "Gorod", 2009, p. 36-58.
67. Potemkina, T.M. Megaliticheskie sooruzheniya Urala: struktura sakral'nogo prostranstva. [Megalithic structures of the Urals: Structure of Sacred Space]. Vestnik arxeologii, antropologii i e'tnografii. [Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography]. No 2 (15). Tyumen: publishing house IPOS SO RAN, 2011, p. 10-34.
68. Potemkina, T.M. Lunarnye i solyarnye simvoly onezhskix petroglifov (arxeoastronomicheskij aspekt). [Lunarnye and solar symbols Onega petroglyphs (arheoastronomichesky aspect)]. Istoriko-astronomicheskie issledovaniya. Vyp. XXXIV. In-t istorii estestvoznaniya i tehniki im. Vavilova RAN: otv. red. G.M. Idlis. [Historical and astronomical research. MY. XXXIV. Institute of History of Science and Technology. SI Vavilov RAS: Min. Ed. GM Idlis]. Moscow: publishing house fiziko-matematicheskoj literatury, 2009, p. 214-274.
69. Potemkina, T.M. Znaki Luny i Solnca v naskal'nyx risunkax onezhskogo svyatilishha. [Signs of the Moon and Sun in the rock paintings of Onega sanctuary]. Ural'skij istoricheskij vestnik. [Ural historical Gazette]. No 1 (126), 2010, p. 82-96.
70. Potemkina, T.M. E'neoliticheskie krugloplanovye svyatoloshha Zaural'ya v sisteme sxodnyx kul'tur i modelej stepej Evrazii. [Aeneolithic krugloplanovye Zauralye sanctuary in the system similar cultures and models of the Eurasian steppe]. Mirovozzrenie drevnego naseleniya Evrazii. [Worldview of the ancient population of Eurasia]. Moscow, 2001, p. 166-185.
71. Potemkina, T.M. Osobennosti struktury sakral'nogo prostranstva e'neoliticheskix kurganov so stolbovymi konstrukciyami (po materialam Severnogo Prichernomor'ya). [Features of the structure of sacred space Eneolithic burial mounds with columnar construction (based on the Northern Black Sea)]. Pamyatniki arxeologii i drevnego iskusstva Evrazii. [Archaeological sites and the ancient art of Eurasia]. Moscow, 2004, p. 214-251.
72. Potemkina, T.M. Dinamika mirovozzrencheskix tradicij yuzho-tayozhnogo Tobolo-irtysh'ya (ot neolita do srednevekov'ya). [Dynamics philosophical traditions southern taiga Tobol and Irtysh (from the Chalcolithic to the Middle Ages)]. Miroponimanie drevnix i tradicionnyx obshhestv Evrazii. [Worldview of ancient and traditional societies of Eurasia]. Moscow, 2006, p. 154-160.
73. Potemkina, T.M. Lunarnye i solyarnye simvoly onezhskix petroglifov (arxeoastronomicheskij aspekt). [Lunarnye and solar symbols Onega petroglyphs (arheoastronomichesky aspect)]. Istoriko-astronomicheskie issledovaniya. Vyp. XXXIV. In-t istorii estestvoznaniya i tehniki im. Vavilova RAN: otv. red. G.M. Idlis. [Historical and astronomical research. MY. XXXIV. Institute of History of Science and Technology. SI Vavilov RAS: Min. Ed. GM Idlis]. Moscow: publishing house fiziko-matematicheskoj literatury, 2009, p. 214-274.
74. Potemkina, T.M. Megaliticheskie sooruzheniya Urala: struktura sakral'nogo prostranstva. [Megalithic structures of the Urals: Structure of Sacred Space]. Vestnik arxeologii, antropologii i e'tnografii. [Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography]. No 2 (15). Tyumen: publishing house IPOS SO RAN, 2011, p. 10-34.
75. Potemkina, T.M. Arxitekturnye osobennosti kurgana Usatovo I-4. [Architectural features mound Usatove I-4]. Kratkie soobshheniya instituta arxeologii. Vyp, 225. [Brief reports of the Institute of Archaeology. MY. 225]. Moscow, 2011a, p. 206-219.
76. Potemkina, T.M. Poselenie ili kul'tovyj centr (K voprosu o funkciyax poselenij tashkovskoj kul'tury s krugovoj arxitekturoj). [Settlement or cult center (On the functions of settlements tashkovskoy culture with circular architecture)]. Kul'tury stepnoj Evrazii i ix vzaimodejstvie s drevnimi civilizaciyami. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii, posvyashhennoj 110-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya vydayushhegosya rossijskogo arxeologa Mixaila Petrovicha Gryaznova. Kn. 2. [Eurasian steppe culture and their interaction with ancient civilizations. Proceedings of the international scientific conference devoted to the 110th anniversary of the outstanding Russian archaeologist Mikhail Petrovich Hraznova]. St. Petersburg, 2012, p. 188-195.
77. Potemkina, T.M. Prostranstvennaya i vremennaya organizaciya ritual'nogo kompleksa Teleutskij Vvoz I (arxeoastronomicheskij aspekt). [Spatial and temporal organization of complex ritual Teleut vzvoz 1 (arheoastronomichesky aspect)]. Metodika issledovaniya kul'tovyx kompleksov. [Technique to study the religious complexes]. Barnaul: OOO "Pyat' plyus", 2012a, p. 78-81.
78. Potemkina, T.M.; Grushin, S.P. Teleutskij Vvoz I: organizaciya sakral'nogo prostranstva ritual'no-pogrebal'nogo kompleksa rannego bronzovogo veka (metodika i metodologiya issledovaniya). [Teleut vzvoz I: organization of sacred space ritual funerary complex of the Early Bronze Age (technique and methodology)]. Arxeologo-e'tnograficheskie issledovaniya Severnoj Evrazii: ot artefaktov k prochteniyu proshlogo. K 80-letiyu S.V. Studzickoj i M.F. Kosareva. [Archaeological and ethnographic research in North Eurasia from artifacts to the reading of the past. On the 80th anniversary of SV Studzitskaia and MF Kosareva]. Tomsk: Agraf-Press, 2012, p. 188-205.
79. Potemkina, T.M. Dinamika mirovozzrencheskix tradicij yuzho-tayozhnogo Tobolo-irtysh'ya (ot neolita do srednevekov'ya). [Dynamics philosophical traditions southern taiga Tobol and Irtysh (from the Chalcolithic to the Middle Ages)]. Miroponimanie drevnix i tradicionnyx obshhestv Evrazii. [Worldview of ancient and traditional societies of Eurasia]. Moscow, 2006, p. 148.
80. Chernecov, V.N. K voprosu o proniknovenii vostochnogo serebra v Priob'e. [On the eastern penetration silver Priobe]. Trudy Instituta e'tnografii. Novaya seriya. Tom 1. [Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. New series. Tom. 1]. Moscow, 1947, p. 123.
81. Potemkina, T.M. Dinamika mirovozzrencheskix tradicij yuzho-tayozhnogo Tobolo-irtysh'ya (ot neolita do srednevekov'ya). [Dynamics philosophical traditions southern taiga Tobol and Irtysh (from the Chalcolithic to the Middle Ages)]. Miroponimanie drevnix i tradicionnyx obshhestv Evrazii. [Worldview of ancient and traditional societies of Eurasia]. Moscow, 2006, p. 128-129, 158-160.
82. Potemkina, T.M. E'neoliticheskie krugloplanovye svyatoloshha Zaural'ya v sisteme sxodnyx kul'tur i modelej stepej Evrazii. [Aeneolithic krugloplanovye Zauralye sanctuary in the system similar cultures and models of the Eurasian steppe]. Mirovozzrenie drevnego naseleniya Evrazii. [Worldview of the ancient population of Eurasia]. Moscow, 2001, p. 221-240.
83. Zajbert, V.F. E'neolit Uralo-Irtyshskogo mezhdurech'ya. [Eneolit Ural-Irtysh interfluve]. Petropavlovsk, 1993, p. 196-210.
84. Kalieva, S.S.; Logvin, V.N. Skotovody Turgaya v III tysyacheletii do n.e'. [Turgay Pastoralists in the III millennium BC]. Kustanaj. 1997, p. 100-123.
85. Sokolova, Z.P. Obsko-ugorskij fenomen (Sever i Yug). [Ob-Ugric phenomenon (North and South)]. III kongress e'tnografov i antropologov Rossii,. Tezisy dokladov. [III Congress of ethnographers and anthropologists Rossii.Tezisy reports]. Moscow, 1999, p. 30-36.
86. Mifologiya mansi. [Mansi Mythology]. E'nciklopediya Ural'skix mifologij. Tom 2. [Encyclopedia Ural mythologies. Volume 2]. Novosibirsk, 2001, p. 32.
87. Toporov, V.N. Ob iranskom vliyanii v mifologii narodov Sibiri i Central'noj Azii. [About Iranian influence in the mythology of the peoples of Siberia and Central Asia]. Kavkaz i Srednyaya Aziya v drevnosti i srednevekov'e. [Caucasus and Central Asia in ancient times and the Middle Ages]. Moscow, 1981, p. 146-150.
88. Bagashev, A.N. Ob osobennostyax kraniologicheskogo tipa zapadnyx mansi. [About the features of craniological type Western Mansi]. III kongress e'tnografov i antropologov Rossii. Tezisy dokladov. [III Congress of Russian ethnographers and anthropologists. Abstracts]. Moscow, 1999, p. 102.
89. Potemkina, T.M. E'neoliticheskie krugloplanovye svyatoloshha Zaural'ya v sisteme sxodnyx kul'tur i modelej stepej Evrazii. [Aeneolithic krugloplanovye Zauralye sanctuary in the system similar cultures and models of the Eurasian steppe]. Mirovozzrenie drevnego naseleniya Evrazii. [Worldview of the ancient population of Eurasia]. Moscow, 2001, p. 225-233.
90. Potemkina, T.M. Arxeoastronomicheskij aspect pri rekonstrukcii mirovozzreniya drevnego naseleniya. [Arheoastronomichesky aspect in the reconstruction of the ancient world population]. Rossijskaya arxeologiya. [Russian archeology]. No 3, 2005, p. 55-59.
91. Potemkina, T.M. Dinamika mirovozzrencheskix tradicij yuzho-tayozhnogo Tobolo-irtysh'ya (ot neolita do srednevekov'ya). [Dynamics philosophical traditions southern taiga Tobol and Irtysh (from the Chalcolithic to the Middle Ages)]. Miroponimanie drevnix i tradicionnyx obshhestv Evrazii. [Worldview of ancient and traditional societies of Eurasia]. Moscow, 2006, p. 165-182.
92. Potemkina, T.M. Dinamika mirovozzrencheskix tradicij yuzho-tayozhnogo Tobolo-irtysh'ya (ot neolita do srednevekov'ya). [Dynamics philosophical traditions southern taiga Tobol and Irtysh (from the Chalcolithic to the Middle Ages)]. Miroponimanie drevnix i tradicionnyx obshhestv Evrazii. [Worldview of ancient and traditional societies of Eurasia]. Moscow, 2006, p. 167-169.
93. Potemkina, T.M. Arxeoastronomicheskij aspect pri rekonstrukcii mirovozzreniya drevnego naseleniya. [Arheoastronomichesky aspect in the reconstruction of the ancient world population]. Rossijskaya arxeologiya. [Russian archeology]. No 3, 2005, p. 55-58.
94. Potemkina, T.M. Dinamika mirovozzrencheskix tradicij yuzho-tayozhnogo Tobolo-irtysh'ya (ot neolita do srednevekov'ya). [Dynamics philosophical traditions southern taiga Tobol and Irtysh (from the Chalcolithic to the Middle Ages)]. Miroponimanie drevnix i tradicionnyx obshhestv Evrazii. [Worldview of ancient and traditional societies of Eurasia]. Moscow, 2006, p. 164 -182.
95. Chernecov, V.N. K voprosu o proniknovenii vostochnogo serebra v Priob'e. [On the eastern penetration silver Priobe]. Trudy Instituta e'tnografii. Novaya seriya. Tom 1. [Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. New series. Tom. 1]. Moscow, 1947, p. 113-115.
96. Gemuev, I.N.; Sagalaev, A.M. Religiya narodov mansi. Kul'tovye mesta XIX - nachala XX v. [Religion Mansi people. Places of Worship XIX - early XX century]. Novosibirsk, 1986, p. 187.