Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2019, 7(1), 89-147
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2019-00001
Ust-tashli barrow with "mustache" in the Orenburg region
O.O. Polyakova1; O.A. Golev2; L.P. Goleva3; M.O. Goleva4
1Chelyabinsk State University, Scientific Society "Astroiss", Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation; E-mail:
2Geocontrol Ltd., Samara, Russian Federation; E-mail:
3Scientific Society "Astroiss", Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation; E-mail:
4Scientific Society "Astroiss", Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation; E-mail:
This article presents archeoastronomical the study is the first to open Ust-Tashlinskogo barrows with "mustache" (Orenburg region), Orenburg geologists, local historians L.P. Goleva, O.A. Golev, M.O. Goleva. Such barrows with "mustaches" are found in the vast territory from Eastern Turkestan to the Dnieper, but the largest number of them are located in Kazakhstan and the Southern Urals. Archaeological investigations of monuments of this type reveal their cultural identity related to tasmolinskiy culture on the territory of Kazakhstan, starting from the VIII century BC and spread on the territory of the Southern Urals to the VIII century ad, media Hun or Turkic culture. Most archaeologists have maintained that the barrows with "mustache" have astronomical structure. Archaeoastronomical studies of these monuments still have a controversial interpretation and do not have a clear methodology. In this article, on the example of Ust-Tashlinskogo mound, is a suggested archeoastronomical detailed study of such monuments, which can serve as a basis for archeoastronomical techniques research and other barrows with "mustache".
Keywords: Archeoastronomy, barrow with "mustaches", Tasmolian culture, research method
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