Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2021, 9(1), 1-39
DOI: 10.24412/2310-2144-2021-9-1-1-39
Aastronomical and calendar meaning of the petroglyphs of the dolmen "Dudugush-1". Reconstruction of some cosmological motives in the culture of the dolmen builders of the Western Caucasus.
M.I. Kudin
Adyghe Republican Institute for Humanitarian Research named after T.M. Kerasheva, Maykop, Russia; e-mail:
The article is considered astronomical and calendarian meaning of the petroglyth on the overlapping of the dolmen "Dudugush-1". As shown enclosing in the circle the branches of the saltire note the key points of the year solar cycle (sunrises and sunsets in the winter and summer solstice) and the angles between them on the horizon match extreme points of sunrises (sunsets) at the latitude of the monument. Seven holes arranged in 2 rows in the eastern part of the petroglyph show geliokalny rising of the Pleiades in the vernal equinox and (or) the evening sunrise in the the autumnal equinox. In a similar way the Pleiades were showed in many cultures at different times since the Paleolithic. The hole on the west side notes of particular importance in terms sunset at equinox. In this article there are also the image of the Pleiades in other monuments of dolmen culture and possible value in the culture of the builders of dolmens of the constellations Taurus and Orion. Such an interpretation of signs is reliably confirmed the orientation and location of monuments in space significant numbers of calendar in the ranks of the ornament and designs themselves are dolmens way macrocosm.
Keywords: dolmens, archaeoastronomy, petroglyth of the dolmen "Dudugush-1", year solar cycle, cupped signs, Pleiades, Taurus, Orion's belt, Dumuzi.
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