Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2019, 7(2), 5-10
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2019-00007
On etymology of Finnic term for 'sky'
Jingyi Gao
Beijing International Studies University, China; E-mail:
Institute of the Estonian Language, Tallinn, Estonia; E-mail:
University of Tartu, Estonia; E-mail:
Using etymological methods, the present study has identified five Sinitic and Uralic shared etymologies. These five etymologies form a rhyme correspondence. This regular sound change validates the etymological connection between Sinitic and Uralic. The Finnic term for 'sky' is among these five etymologies. It is demonstrated that this word root should be aboriginal in Sino-Uralic languages.
Keywords: Rhyme correspondence, Sinitic, Uralic, Sino-Uralic, Baltic, Germanic, Celtic, Italic, Indo-Iranian
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