Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2018, 6(2), 38-43
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2018-00010
Wheel transport and the penetration of tribes of Maikop cultur in the Eastern European steppe
Leonid S. Ilyukov
Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, st. Chekhov 41, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russian Federation; e-mail:
The spread of wheel transport in Eastern Europe dates back to the emergence and spread of Maikop and Tripoli cultures. The territory of distribution of bearers of Maikop culture is North Caucasus. There was found toy clay wheels with a double-sided hub, in the center of which was located four-sided hole for the axis. These carts had massive wheels with double-sided hubs. They were rigidly fixed on the axis, the end of which had a quadrangular cross-section. Usually such carts were harnessed a couple of bulls, with a using of wooden yoke, which was tied to horns of animals. In the nasal cartilage of these animals was thread a wire ring with closed and connected ends in the Central part. Wire ring caused pain to the animal, and as a result, it allowed the coachman to control it. On carts, loaded with goods for exchange, people of the Maikop culture were carried out raids across the steppe. They came into contact with steppe tribes of Sredny Stog culture. As a result, in the steppe appeared trade factors, left by the southerners. However, relations with foreigners were not always stable. Sometimes peaceful life there was broken off, and on the place of the trade factors remained ashes, strewn with arrows and spears (Konstantinovskoe settlement).
Keywords: Maikop culture; Konstantinovsk culture; settlement; cart; exchange
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