Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2016, 4(2), 59-68
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2016-00007
Determination of astronomical orientation of archaeological sites on the hour angle of the Sun on the example of petroglyph spiral (Mountain Altai)
Elena G. Gienko
Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, Plakhotnogo st.10, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation; e-mail:
The required accuracy of the determination of astronomical orientations of archaeological sites, in accordance with a resolution of the unaided human eye (1-2 minutes in degree measure) is substantiated in this article. The method of determining the orientation of rock carvings and rock planes by the hour angle of the Sun is described. The symmetry axis orientation of the compact petroglyph with spirals, size about 10 cm, (Gorny Altai) are determined in accordance with this method. It is shown the high precision of application to the axis of symmetry of the figure in the direction of the Meridian - 8.5 minutes in a degree, and also the importance of this direction in the arrangement of the space of places of worship in ancient times. It is proposed to use the considered methods for orientation in azimuth of the rocky planes and single figures, when traditional methods of determining the orientation cannot provide the required accuracy. The use of GNSS-navigation with precise clock, the photographs of the shadow picture with the timing and the use of astronomical programs provide accurate, yet simple determination of the azimuth, even under office conditions for photography, which gives additional valuable information for researchers. The article is dedicated to Eugene Palladievich Matochkin is a tireless researcher of Altai petroglyphs, the discoverer of the figure.
Keywords: astronomical azimuth, the hour angle of the Sun, equation of time, the petroglyphs orientation, Altai mountains.
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