Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2014, 2(1), 134-156
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2014-00015
In memory of V.E. Larichev. Astroarchaelogical searches in Northern Khakassia.
Elena G. Gienko1*, German F. Serkin2
1Department of Physical Geodesy and Remote Sensing, Siberian State Geodetic Academy, Novosibirsk, st. Plahotnogo, 10; e-mail:
2Siberian state geodetic academy, Novosibirsk, st. Plahotnogo, 10; e-mail:
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed
This article is devoted to the memory V.E. Larichev (12.12.1932 - 02.06.2014) - a prominent Russian scientist, doctor of historical Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, and honored worker of science of the Russian Federation. For more than 30 years, V.E. Larichev performed astroarchaeology research in Khakassia. The article provides an overview of his activities during astroarchaeology expeditions, on behalf of the expedition participants.
Keywords: astroarchaeology, Khakassia.
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1. Larichev, V.E. Mif o Mirovoj gore v mirovozzrenii zhrechestva e'poxi paleome-talla yuga Sibiri (pervyj sunduk - astronomicheskaya observatoriya i svyatilishhe vremeni okunevskoj kul'tury Xakasii) [The myth of the mountain in the World Outlook of the priesthood in the era of paleometal of southern Siberia (the first "sunduk" - the astronomical Observatory and the sanctuary of time the Okunev culture of Khakassia)]//Materialy plenarnogo zasedaniya Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii "Istoriya civilizacii i duxovnoj kul'tury kochevnikov" v 2-x tomax [Materials of the plenary session of the International scientific-practical conference "the History of civilization and spiritual culture of nomads" in 2 volumes]. V. I - Pavlodar, 2004. - P.36-39.
2. Larichev, V.E.; Gienko, E.G.; Parshikov, S.A.; Prokop'eva, S.A. Pervyj Sunduk - mirovaya gora, dostigayushhaya vysoty Solnca (k metodike vyyavleniya zakonomernostej raz-meshheniya v kul'tuno obustroennom prostranstve sakral'nogo xaraktera pamyatnikov)[The first "Sunduk" - world mountain, reaching the height of the Sun (to the methods of identification of patterns of cultural equipped space sacral nature monuments)]// Problemy arxeologii, e'tnografii i antropologii Sibiri i sopredel'nyx territorij (Materialy Godovoj sessii Instituta arxeologii i e'tnografii SO RAN 2008g.) [Problems of archeology, Ethnography and anthropology of Siberia and adjacent territories (materials of the Annual session of the Institute of archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS, 2008.)]- Novosibirsk, 2008. - T.XIV
3. Larichev, V.E.; Gienko, E.G.; Prokop'eva, S.A.; Parshikov, S.A.; Serkin, G.F. Sunduki - velikij sakral'nyj centr Severnoj Xakasii (mifologicheskoe, e'posnoe i estestvenno-nauchnoe v kul'tovyx pamyatnikax drevnix kul'tur yuga Sibiri, sovmeshhennyx s tvoreniyami prirody)[ "Sunduki" - the great sacred center of the Northern Khakassia (mythological, and science in the cult monuments of ancient cultures of southern Siberia, combined with the creations of nature)]// Astroarxeologiya - estestvennonauchnyj instrument poznaniya protonauk i astral'nyx religij zhrechestva drevnix kul'tur Xakasii. [Astroarchaeology - scientific instrument of the knowledge of proto-sciences and astral religions priesthood of ancient cultures of Khakassia.]-Krasnoyarsk, 2009.-P. 73 - 91.
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7. Larichev, V.E.; Gienko, E.G.; Sheptunov, G.S.; Serkin, G.F.; Komissarov, V.N. Xram bor'by sveta i t'my, dobra i zla, vremeni i bezvremen'ya (kalendarno-astronomicheskij i religiozno-mifologicheskij aspekty sakral'nogo pamyatnika e'poxi okunevo)[The temple of the struggle of light and darkness, good and evil, time and timelessness (calendar astronomical and religious-mythological aspects of sacred monument of the epoch Okunevo)]// "Rossiya - evrazijskaya obshhnost': kul'tura i civilizaciya". Materialy nauchno-go simpoziuma, 27 yanvarya 2005 g. ["Russia is a Eurasian community: culture and civilization". Materials of the scientific Symposium, 27 January 2005] - Novosibirsk., 2005, P. 81-104.
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9. Larichev, V.E. Paradoksy Vremeni (k probleme xaraktera religii tagarskoj kul'-tury) [Paradoxes of Time (to the problem of the religion Tagar culture)] // Evraziya: kul'turnoe nasledie drevnix civilizacij.[ Eurasia: the cultural heritage of ancient civilizations] - Novosibirsk, 2004. -Issue 3: Paradoxes in arxeology. - P. 113-141.
10. Larichev, V.E.; Gienko, E.G.; Parshikov, S.A. Svet i ten' v stenax tagarskogo svya-tilishha [Light and shadow in the walls of the Tagar sanctuary]// Sovremennye resheniya aktual'nyx problem evrazijskoj arxeologii.[The modern solution of actual problems of Eurasian archaeology] - Barnaul, 2013.- P.291-296.
11. Larichev, V.E.; Gienko, E.G.; Parshikov, S.A.; Ajtkulova, A.X. Xram "Solnce v lodke" i svyazannye s nim astropunkty nablyudeniya svetil (k innovacionnoj metodike ocenok semantiki naskal'nyx izobrazhenij svyatilishh e'poxi paleometalla Severnoj Xa-kasii) [The temple of the "Sun in the boat" and related Astro-observation points of light (to the innovative methodology of estimations of semantics petroglyphs sanctuaries era of paleometal Northern Khakassia)]// Problemy arxeologii, e'tnografii i antropologii Sibiri i sopredel'nyx ter-ritorij (Mat.God. sess.In-ta arxeologii i e'tnografii SO RAN 2010g.) [Problems of archeology, Ethnography and anthropology of Siberia and adjacent territories (materials of the Annual session of the Institute of archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS, 2010.)]- Novosibirsk, 2010. - T.XVI, P.217 - 222.
12. Larichev, V.E. Kosmogoniya i kosmologiya zhrechestva e'poxi paleometalla yuga Za-padnoj Sibiri (astral'naya teogoniya i protonauka v simvolax i obrazax protoxrama "Sotvorenie Vselennoj Severnoj Xakasii").Ch.1: Kosmogoniya [Cosmogony and cosmology priesthood era of paleometal of the South of Western Siberia (astral theogany and proto-science in symbols and images of proto-temple "Creation of the Universe of Northern Khakassia").Part 1: Cosmogony]//Mirovozzrenie naseleniya Yuzhnoj Sibiri i Central'noj Azii v istoricheskoj retrospektive [The worldview of the population of southern Siberia and Central Asia in the historical retrospective]. Barnaul, 2007. P.110-119.
13. Larichev, V.E. Kosmogoniya i kosmologiya zhrechestva e'poxi paleometalla yuga Za-padnoj Sibiri (astral'naya teogoniya i protonauka v simvolax i obrazax protoxrama "Sotvorenie Vselennoj Severnoj Xakasii").Ch.2: Kosmologiya [Cosmogony and cosmology priesthood era of paleometal of the South of Western Siberia (astral theogany and proto-science in symbols and images of proto-temple "Creation of the Universe of Northern Khakassia").Part 2: Cosmology]//Mirovozzrenie naseleniya Yuzhnoj Sibiri i Central'noj Azii v istoricheskoj retrospektive [The worldview of the population of southern Siberia and Central Asia in the historical retrospective]. Barnaul, 2008. P.158-181.
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16. Larichev, V.E. Svyatilishha i mogil'niki "Sundukov" kak paleoastronomicheskie ob"ekty drevnix kul'tur [The sanctuary and burial grounds "Sunduki" as paleo-astronomical objects ancient cultures]//Arxeologiya, geologiya i paleogeografiya paleoliticheskix pamyatnikov yuga Srednej Sibiri [Archaeology, Geology and paleogeography of Paleolithic sites of the South of Central Siberia]. - Krasnoyarsk, 1992. ? P. 123-127.
17. Larichev, V.E.; Parshikov, S.A.; Prokop'eva, S.A. Astronomicheskie, kalendarnye i religiozno-mifologicheskie principy razmeshheniya v prostranstvegrobnic rannego zheleznogo veka Severnoj Xakasii (na primere mogil'nogo polya, opornyx plit i vizual'nyx limbov okrestnostej svyatilishha Saratskij Sunduk). Ch.I. Zapadnyj gorizont. Zakat svetil [Astronomical calendar and religious-mythological principles of position in space of the tombs of the early iron age the Northern Khakassia (on the example of the burial field, base plates and visual limbs vicinities of the sanctuary "Saratskiy Sunduk"). Part 1. Western horizon. Sunset light] //Mirovozzrenie naseleniya Yuzhnoj Sibiri i Central'noj Azii v istoricheskoj retrospektive. [The worldview of the population of southern Siberia and Central Asia in the historical retrospective] Issue.1. -Barnaul, 2007. - P. 120-133.
18. Larichev, V.E.; Parshikov, S.A.; Prokop'eva, S.A. Astronomicheskie, kalendarnye i religiozno-mifologicheskie principy razmeshheniya v prostranstvegrobnic rannego zheleznogo veka Severnoj Xakasii (na primere mogil'nogo polya, opornyx plit i vizual'nyx limbov okrestnostej svyatilishha Saratskij Sunduk). Ch.II. Vostochnyj gorizont. Vosxod svetil [Astronomical calendar and religious-mythological principles of position in space of the tombs of the early iron age the Northern Khakassia (on the example of the burial field, base plates and visual limbs vicinities of the sanctuary "Saratskiy Sunduk") Part 2. The Eastern horizon. Sunrise light] //Mirovozzrenie naseleniya Yuzhnoj Sibiri i Central'noj Azii v istoricheskoj retrospektive. [The worldview of the population of southern Siberia and Central Asia in the historical retrospective] Issue.2.- Barnaul, 2007. - P. 182-207.
19. Larichev, V.E.; Gienko, E.G.; Parshikov S.A. Nablyudatel'naya astronomiya i sis-temy schisleniya vremeni bronzovogo veka Severnoj Xakasii (k probleme astral'nogo xa-raktera religii zhrechestva okunevskoj kul'tury)[Observational astronomy and notation bronze age Northern Khakassia (to the problem of astral religion of priesthood in the Okunev culture)]// Mirovozzrenie naseleniya Yuzhnoj Sibiri i Central'noj Azii v istoricheskoj retrospektive. [The worldview of the population of southern Siberia and Central Asia in the historical retrospective] Issue.6 Barnaul, 2013. - P.120-146