Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2014, 2(1), 90-106
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2014-00013
Tarhatinsky megalytic complex: the petroglyphs, observed are astronomical phenomena and shadow of the megaliths
Evgeniy P. Matochkin1, Elena G. Gienko2*
1Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts
2Department of Physical Geodesy and Remote Sensing, Siberian State Geodetic Academy, Novosibirsk, st. Plahotnogo, 10; e-mail:
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed
In this article, the results of recent studies of the Tarhatinsky megalithic complex (Gorny Altai, Kosh-Agach region) are presented. During 2010-2012, previously unpublished petroglyphic figures were copied and geodetic measurements were carried out, as were astronomical and photographic observations made that include period relationships of the summer solstice and the vernal equinox, allowing the possibility to refine some special features of the function of the complex and its date assignment. In addition, a survey of the top of the complex was executed and corrections were introduced into the topographic plan of the site. A brief description of the largest megaliths incorporated into the complex is given in the article, and we emphasize the remarkable concern by its ancient builders with great measured accuracy (within a fraction of a degree) of the astronomical meridian, as well as the direction of sunset at summer solstice and of sunrise during the vernal equinox. We conclude that the positioning of small megaliths within the circle of the complex is determined by the traces of the shadows of the large megaliths during sunrise and sunset on the days of solstices and equinoxes. In the article, it is shown that the representational content of the petroglyphs found on the complex reflects the mythical form of the observed astronomical phenomena, such as the visible diurnal and annual motion of the sun and of sunsets into alignment with the summer solstice. The conclusion is reached that the creation of the petroglyphs had begun between the final segment of the III to the initial period of the II millennium B.C.E, and that their production was most intensive during the period of Karakolsky culture. In the process of studying the complex, circumstances were identified for the observation of the summer sunset, which made possible for these ancient people the very accurate determination of precise days for cultural events: the place of the observer (seated on the megalithic "armchair", outside of the main circle) and the fixing of positional relationships for rays of the setting sun, which appeared at the last moment from a location anterior to a megalith. According to astronomical calculations, the last ray of the summer sun could be observed from the mid-point of the "armchair" during the epochal phase anchored at 2750 BC +- 1000 years, which confirms the dating of the petroglyphs. The summer sunset, noted locally by one observer to span the limits of the entire complex is reflected in the direct-shadow image from the megaliths. The mutual orienting of megaliths is such that only in the period of the summer solstice can an agreement of shadows occur, and that the sunset forms a so-called "light corridor". This spectacular phenomenon is illustrated here, documented through photography taken during the day of summer solstice, and by a diagram of the complex. A similar effect has been noticed during sunrise. This research establishes the possibility to assert that the Tarkhatinsky megalithic complex is a calendar and sacred center - a sanctuary - built between the final segment of the III to the initial period of the II millennium B.C.E, for the purpose of stabilizing knowledge connected to the regular motion of the its primary commemorated deity - the Sun.
Keywords: petroglyphs, megalithic complex, summer solstice, equinox, astroarchaeology.
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