Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2022, 10(1), 79-90
A method for dating archaeological structures based on astronomical alignments
Gaspani, A.1; Spagocci, S.2
Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, Via Brera 28, I20121 Milano; E-Mail:
SMS Consulting, via Cadore 25, I20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI); E-Mail:
A method for dating archaeological structures, based on their astronomical alignments, is presented. In this method, the number of alignments falling within a tolerance band is calculated in suitable time bins. These data are then converted into the probability for the alignments to be random. The time corresponding to the center of the (inverted) probability peak is taken as the structure dating, to which a confidence interval is attributed. Through the analysis of an elliptical enclosure in the Bergamo province (Lombardy, Northern Italy), more details of which were provided elsewhere, we show that the structure had two building phases and in each phase the structure was realigned. In particular, we respectively date the site to 510±20 BC and 340±20 BC.
Keywords: Celts; Cisalpine Gaul; Dating; Enclosure; Sanctuary
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