Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies 2019, 7(2), 1-4
DOI: 10.24411/2310-2144-2019-00004
The words for 'star' in Indo-European and Semitic
Allan R. Bomhard
Florence, SC USA, e-mail:
This article brings together two fields: (1) the traditional study of the lexicon of Proto-Indo-European (including the material culture and belief system of the prehistoric speakers of Proto-Indo-European) and (2) the traditional study of the lexicon of Proto-Semitic (also including the material culture and belief system of the prehistoric speakers of Proto-Semitic). In particular, this paper deals with the words for 'star' in Indo-European and Semitic. The main proposals concerning their possible origin are evaluated, and the most probable proposal is highlighted. In both cases, the underlying meaning for the words for 'star' turns out to be something like 'the burning, glowing, shining thing or object'.
Keywords: Proto-Indo-European, Proto-Semitic, prehistory, lexicon, words for "star", astronomical belief system.
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